Translations:Load evaluation/1/en

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The load evaluation involves gathering information on loads which will serve as the basis for the rest of the system design process. Power ratings and usage estimates for necessary and potential loads are gathered into tables - one for direct current and one for alternating current. It is important to use maximum values for estimated usage to ensure that the system is adequately sized. It may be necessary to perform an estimation of this sort for each month of the year if loads, estimated usage, or solar resource vary frequently throughout the year. This process is covered in Load and solar resource comparison and values that result from this process should be used to design the system. In the tables below usage is estimated on a weekly basis. This process works well for loads that are used every day or large loads that are only used occasionally, but it is necessary to be careful in two cases:

  1. With loads that are used for multiple consecutive days during the week. If a load is used during all 5 business days of the week it should be treated as operating 7 days out of the week as removing 2 days a week will reduce the average energy requirement, but in reality the system will be required to generate and store the full energy requirement on most days.