Series and parallel connections
All circuits are built out of two types of electrical connections that deteremine the circuits characteristics: series and parallel. In normal circuit wiring for homes or buildings - lights and outlets - only parallel connections are used. But in PV systems series connections become important as they enable the voltage and current characteristics of a system to be changed which carries important advantages. Batteries and PV modules can be connected using either of these connection types or both. All batteries, PV modules, charge controllers and inverters are rated to operate within a given voltage and current range, thus these connection types are used to sure that the system can function together properly.
Parallel connections
A parallel connection is a connection that brings together two seperate circuits and which creates two paths for current to follow. In the case of PV modules and batteries this is done by creating a connection between their positive and negative connections. If two PV modules or batteries of the same size are connected together in parallel this has an important effect: the voltage of the circuit remains the same, but the current that the circuit can provide doubles.