Load evaluation

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The load evaluation involves gathering information on loads which will serve as the basis for the rest of the system design process. Power ratings and usage estimates for necessary and potential loads are gathered into a table - one for direct current and one for alternating current. It is important to use maximum values for estimated usage to ensure that the system is adequately sized. It may be necessary to perform an estimation of this sort for each month of the year if loads, estimated usage, or solar resource vary frequently throughout the year. This process is covered in Load and solar resource comparison and values that result from this process should be used to design the system. In the tables below usage is estimated on a weekly basis. This process works well for loads that are used every day or those that are used only occasionally, but it is necessary to be careful with loads that are used for multiple consecutive days during the week. If a load is used during all 5 business days of the week it should be treated as operating 7 days out of the week as removing 2 days a week will reduce the average energy requirement, but in reality the system will be required to store and generate the full energy requirement on most days.

When designing any system it is almost always necessary to explore various different designs with varying loads and usage patterns to arrive at the best balance between cost and budget.

Additional considerations

  • The make, model, and power rating of any loads currently present at the site should be documented. Photos are very useful.
  • If the system design is going to incorporate loads that have not yet been purchased, guidance should be provided about the value and importance of purchasing energy efficient loads.
  • This process can be difficult in locations that do not currently have electricity or that have users that do not have experience with electricity beforehand. In these cases there is a tendency to over-estimate and under-estimate appliance usage depending on the individual. In these cases, more responsibility falls upon the person performing the load evaluation and the system designer to provide guidance and accurate estimates.
  • Potential projects that do not currently have an electrical system will also require additional evaluation and design work to ensure that the building will have adequate outlets for (power receptacles) and lighting for the intended use of each room.

DC load evaluation

Typical direct current loads include lights, cell phones, radios, and DC refrigerators. If a system incorporates an inverter, it is important that its idle consumption is included in the DC load evaluation.

# Load Quantity Watts Total watts Duty cycle Hours per day Days per week Average daily DC watt-hours
Total average daily DC watt-hours
  • Load: The make and model or type of load.
  • Quantity: The number of of that particular load.
  • Watts: The power rating in watts of the load.
  • Total watts = Quantity × Watts
  • Duty cycle = Rated or estimated duty cycle for the load. If the load has no duty cycle a value of 1 should be used. A load with a duty cycle of 20% would be inputted as .2
  • Hours per day: The maximum number of hours the load(s) will be operated per day. If the load has a duty cycle 24 hours should be used.
  • Days per week: The maximum number of days the load(s) will be operated per week.
  • Average daily DC watt-hours = Total watts × Duty cycle × Hours per day × Days per week ÷ 7 days
  • Total average daily DC watt-hours = sum of Average daily DC Wwatt-hours for all loads

AC load evaluation

There are additional considerations that go into performing an AC load analysis because this analysis is used for inverter sizing and selection, as well as PV source and charge controller sizing and selection and Energy storage sizing and selection. This chart therefore takes into account several other important factors:

Inverter efficiency .85
# Load Quantity Watts Total watts Duty cycle Surge factor Surge Watts Power factor Volt-amperes (VA) Hours per day Days per week Average daily AC watt-hours
1 Generic laptop 1 15 W 15 W 1 0 0W .45 33 VA 4 hours 30 days 71 Wh
2 Generic cell phone 2 5 W 10 W 1 0 0 W .5 20 VA 1 hour 30 days 12 Wh
3 Generic blender 1 600 W 600 W 1 3 1800 W .8 706 VA .05 hour 10 days 12 Wh
Total average daily AC Watt-hours 95 Wh
Total VA 759 VA
Total VA with surge watts 2559 W
  • Load: The make and model or type of load.
  • Quantity: The number of of that particular load.
  • Watts: The power rating in watts for the load.
  • Total watts = quantity × watts
  • Duty cycle = Rated or estimated duty cycle for the load. If the load has no duty cycle a value of 0 should be used. A load with a duty cycle of 20% would be inputted as .2
  • Surge factor = Rated or estimated duty cycle for the load. If the load does not have a surge requirement a value of 1 should be used. Common values are between 3-5.
  • Power factor = Rated or estimated power factor for the load.
  • Volt-amperes (VA) = Total watts ÷ Power factor
  • Hours per day: The maximum number of hours the load(s) will be operated per day. If the load has a duty cycle 24 hours should be used.
  • Days per week: The maximum number of days the load(s) will be operated per week.
  • Average daily AC Watt-hours = Total Watts × Duty cycle ÷ Inverter efficiency × Hours per day × Days per week ÷ 7 days
  • Total average daily AC Watt-hours = sum of Average daily AC watt-hours for all loads
  • Total VA = sum of Volt-Amperes (VA)
  • Total VA with surge watts = sum of Surge watts for all loads + Total VA

Average daily watt-hours required

Average daily watt-hours required = Total average daily DC Watt-hours + Total average daily AC Watt-hours
Average daily Watt-hours required = 387 Wh