Tipos de sistemas FV

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El proyecto solar de código abierto se centra en sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos, sin embargo, es importante distinguir los diferentes tipos de sistemas y la terminología asociada, ya que ayudará al diseñar un sistema y seleccionar el equipo.

Sistemas conectados a la red

Los sistemas fotovoltaicos instalados que tienen una conexión a la red se llaman sistemas conectados a la red. Los inversores que vienen con este tipo de sistemas se llaman "inversores interactivos", ya que son capaces de interactuar con la red haciendo coincidir su voltaje y frecuencia. Se apagan automáticamente si pierden su conexión a la red para garantizar la seguridad de cualquier trabajador eléctrico que pueda estar trabajando para corregir el problema. Por lo tanto, estos sistemas no proporcionan energía de respaldo en caso de un corte de luz. Estos sistemas no pueden almacenar energía, por lo tanto, dado que el sistema produce energía, debe consumirse en las instalaciones o ser inyectado a la red, a través de un medidor, para ser utilizada por otros clientes. La mayoría de los sistemas fotovoltaicos instalados a nivel mundial son de este tipo.

Example of a grid-tied system with an interactive inverter:
(1) PV source (2) Grid-tied interactive inverter (3) Distribution panel to feed loads (4) Meter (5) Grid connection

Stand-alone system

PV systems installed in areas that lack a grid connection are called stand-alone systems but are also commonly referred to as battery-based or off-grid systems. These systems take many different forms, but they almost always incorporate some type of storage, typically a battery bank, and one or more charging sources. In addition to solar PV, these systems may also incorporate a generator, wind, or hydro. Stand-alone systems can use alternating current and direct current as charging sources and can supply alternating and direct current for loads. The various different stand-alone system types used for small-scale projects are depicted below. More complex designs used for microgrids or very large systems - like AC coupled charging - are excluded. To understand how power flows between key components see Power flow between components.

PV direct system

The simplest of all PV systems. A PV source that functions at a nominal voltage - typically a 12V nominal module - can be directly connected to a simple DC load like a fan that is capable of functioning throughout a wide range of voltages. If the PV source is not producing sufficient power or it is simply nighttime, the load will not function as there is no form of energy storage.

Example of a PV direct system:
(1) PV source (2) DC direct load

Direct current (DC) only system

A common system in less developed off-grid areas - common with systems less than 100W of PV. An economical option to provide lighting and energy for small appliances. Using only direct current has the advantage avoiding energy losses due inefficiencies created by an inverter (inverters are typically only around 85%-95% efficient) and the energy that is required to power an inverter when it is standing by. The disadvantage of not having an inverter is that most appliances are designed for use with alternating current, therefore the available DC appliance market is often much smaller.

Any connections to a battery bank should run through what is called a low voltage disconnect which will disconnect loads if the voltage of the battery bank drops too low in order to protect the batteries. Often times, as depicted in the image, a low voltage disconnect is integrated into the charge controller.

Example of a stand-alone system without an inverter:
(1) PV source (2) Charge controller (3) Energy storage (4) DC power distribution (In practice, typically a far simpler solution than a panel of this type)

With an inverter and direct current (DC) lighting

An inverter becomes an essential part of any PV system that is intended to power anything beyond small lighting and appliance loads. A standard inverter enables the use of alternating current appliances. An inverter does have efficiency losses and stand-by consumption losses, but it makes a PV system far more versatile. It may still be desirable to incorporate DC lighting and appliances as they are more efficient and do not require the inverter to operate to function. The inverter may be operated only intermittently in a system of with this design. DC has disadvantages for lighting and loads when it has to run longer distances due to voltage drop.

Example of a stand-alone system with an inverter and DC lighting/loads
(1) PV source (2) Charge controller (3) DC power distribution (4) Energy storage (5) Inverter (6) AC power distribution

With an inverter

With larger systems - especially systems with longer wire runs (due to voltage drop - the best design typically relies primarily upon an inverter that is continuously operational to supply AC to lighting and loads. DC refrigerators are often an exception as the most efficient refrigerators on the market are designed to run on DC and if the inverter has an issue there is no risk of spoiled food.

Example of a stand-alone system with an inverter.
(1) PV source (2) Charge controller (3) Energy storage (4) Inverter (5) AC power distribution

With an inverter/charger

A system with larger energy needs or a system that supplies critical loads, like at a medical clinic, will often incorporate a generator to ensure that energy needs are met at all times. An inverter/charger is capable of rectifying (the opposite process of inverting) alternating current into direct current in order to charge the battery bank. The inverter/charger can be programmed to automatically start a generator if the voltage drops below a certain value or if the loads increase to a certain value.

Example of a stand-alone system with an inverter/charger:
(1) PV source (2) Charge controller (3) Energy storage (4) Inverter/charger (5) AC power distribution (6) Generator

Grid-tied multi-mode systems

An multi-mode system includes inverter/charger that is capable of interacting with the grid can integrate many different energy sources for battery charging, backup power, and energy management schemes. They can charge the battery bank off of the grid, but can also be programmed to feed energy back into the grid if the battery bank is full and there is excess energy that is not being consumed by loads. As these systems integrate PV, storage and the grid, they are rather complex and can require significant programming depending on the application. The two most common applications for a multi-mode system are for back-up power systems and for grid-tied systems in areas that offer very little compensation for excess energy feed back into the grid or prohibit the exportation of excess production. If very little compensation is offered to the user, then the inverter is typically set in an auto-consumption configuration, which prioritizes the local consumption of the energy generated by the PV array before any is exported. If exporting to the grid is prohibited, then the inverter can be configured into a zero sell configuration that will ensure that no energy is fed back into the grid.

A key aspect of a grid-tied multi-mode system is that loads must be isolated into separate panels: the critical load panel and the non-critical load panel. The multimode inverter will continue to supply electricity to the critical load panel to ensure the functioning of these loads, while any loads in the normal distribution panel will lose power. The reason for dividing loads into these two categories is that the output of the inverter and the energy stored in the battery bank is limited, therefore the loads must be limited accordingly.

Example of a multi-mode system:
(1) PV source (2) Charge controller (3) Energy storage (4) Multi-mode inverter (5) AC power distribution for critical loads (6) AC power distribution for non-critical loads (7) Meter 8. Grid connection